Our Instuctors


Keith G. Wagner


Yoga | Bodywork | Hypnotherapy



CAMTC #57733

Keith G. Wagner is a certified massage therapist (CMT), yoga teacher (RYT-200), and hypnotherapist (CHt) based in Sacramento, California.

Keith has studied Thai Massage in Chiang Mai, Thailand at Loi Kroh Traditional Thai Massage School, Sunshine Massage School and with Ajahn (master teacher) Pichest Boonthumme.

In the United States, Keith has studied Nerve Touch (Jap Sen) Thai Massage at the Spirit Winds School of Thai Massage (Nevada City), and with veteran Thai Massage Teachers/Therapists Bob Haddad and Tim Holt.

Keith is a certified teacher of the Loi Kroh Traditional Thai Massage School courses. To learn more about Keith and his integrated approach to yoga, bodywork and hypnotherapy, visit www.thai-yogi.com or write to Keith at k.wag@thai-yogi.com.